Second Class: Sim Democracy Class and Democracy Education

Second Class: Sim Democracy Class and Democracy Education

FNF Korea Office and Youth Forum for Future organized Sim Democracy class for multicultural teenagers once again after a first session in early November.  

The multicultural youths including a number of children from China or Vietnam often have problems in understanding the concept of democracy and election. To teach them those as easiest and funniest possible, FNF and Youth Forum have pushed this class forward in Seoul On-dream Multicultural Center.

The youths could learn the structures and principles of democracy and experience the simulated politic situation such as arranging the budget and solving social problems.  After playing the board game, one of the teachers from Youth Forum gave a presentation about democracy and threw related questions. Many children answered the questions passionately with knowledge on principles of democracy acquired through the game.

Since its launch by FNF Thailand in 2011, the game has witness a great success there covering more than 120 schools, and it now spreads into other countries, such as Malaysia, Bhutan, Indonesia as well as Korea. 

Youth Forum for Future is currently working on modifying Sim Democracy for the actual state and culture of Korea through the project ‘Creative School’.

Second Class: Sim Democracy Class and Democracy Education