Visit of Anita Maaß, the mayor of Lommatzsch

Visit of Anita Maaß, the mayor of Lommatzsch

At the end of September the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) had the chance to host yet another guest from Germany. This time Dr. Anita Maaß, the mayor of the town of Lommatzsch in Saxony, visited South Korea for four days. The activities during her stay were aimed at strengthening local autonomy and governance in Korea and explaining Germany’s federal structure as a possible role model.

Mrs. Maaß attended various events such as a special lecture at Hanyang University, talks with the mayors of Goyang City and Seodaemun-gu (a district of Seoul) and an international conference, hosted by FNF and the Center of Local Autonomy (CLA).

Visit of Anita Maaß, the mayor of Lommatzsch

On these occasions she gave valuable insights into the relation between local and central government in Germany as well as the perks and benefits of local businesses and administration compared to larger centralized structures.

In addition to her occupation as mayor and politician, Mrs. Maaß is also a member of the FNF’s board of trustees. FNF Korea is proud to be the Foundation’s first foreign office to welcome Mrs. Maaß abroad and introducing her to its lasting efforts in supporting South Korea’s local government.

Visit of Anita Maaß, the mayor of Lommatzsch