Visit to Japan for Exchange of Ideas by the Head of FNF Korea

Visit to Japan for Exchange of Ideas by the Head of FNF Korea

Beside its activities on the peninsula Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom’s (FNF) Korea Office is in charge of monitoring the political situation in Japan. At least once a year the head of the office travels to Tokyo for an exchange of ideas with academics, diplomats, journalists and members of liberal regional networks.

This year’s visit took place in February. It comprised amongst others a meeting with representatives of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), namely with Yukihisa Fujita, member of the Upper House and head of the international department of the DPJ. A second highlight of the five-day program was a roundtable discussion on the German Unification and its lessons for Korea hosted by libertarian think tank Japanese for Tax Reform. At the German embassy FNF had the chance to discuss with deputy head Stephan Grabherr tentative FNF-projects promoting the Japanese-Korean reconciliation.

Furthermore FNF met different think tanks and German journalists to debate about recent political issues in Japan and Korea, about Prime Minister Abe’s security and economic strategy as well as his policy towards North Korea.