Armenia and Georgia 2024
Elections: Choices and Selection in a Turbulent World

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© FNF South Caucasus

This collection of ar­ticles is based on the meeting named “Armenia - Georgia Neighbourhood: Expert Dialogue - Armenia and Geor­gia 2024. Elections: Choices and se­lections in a turbulent world”. This meeting took place on November 3, 2024. Since the meeting took place immediately after the elections in Georgia and on the eve of the elec­tions in the USA, it was quite natural that the central topic of the meeting was elections - their dynamics, im­pact on the region, geopolitical chal­lenges, prospects for the relations between Georgia and Armenia both at the governmental and societal levels, dichotomy of free choice vs. choice and selection; Eight authors, four from each side, tried to analyse the processes related to the elec­tions and to outline possible scenar­ios for the development of events both at the local, regional and broad­er levels; at the same time, they tried to identify those links between past and ongoing events that connect and will determine Georgian-Arme­nian relations in the future.