Smart Cities: Africa Climate Change Project

Announcing the Winners

Smart Cities – Low Carbon Growth & Adaptation to Climate Change

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Africa, in partnership with the Africa Liberal Network and Liberal International, issued a call for proposals for our Africa Climate Change Project in February titled  Smart Cities - low carbon growth and adaption to climate change in both a metropolitan as well as a social enterprise community

We were looking for two innovative projects that are implementing green solutions to environmental challenges of cities or communities. 

Our jury was very impressed by all the African Climate Change project proposals from six different African countries. The decision was not an easy one, but together with a jury from Liberal International and various FNF colleagues from South Africa and Berlin we succeeded in finding two winners. Each of the two projects will receive 12,500 EUR from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in sub-Saharan Africa.

We would like to CONGRATULATE:

Smart Cities: Africa Climate Change Project Winner - Wecyclers from Lagos, Nigeria


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Smart Cities: Africa Climate Change Project Winner - Wecyclers from Lagos, Nigeria

We would like to CONGRATULATE:

Smart Cities: Africa Climate Change Project - LOCK (Love Our City Klean) Johannesburg, South Africa

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Smart Cities: Africa Climate Change Project Winner - Love Our City Klean

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