

Entrepreneurship has significantly contributed to innovative business ideas and solutions to some of today’s pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. Our foundation hopes to help contribute to this growth in Southeast and East Asia through our programmatic work in the countries we work in as well as regionally.

In an effort to support and promote entrepreneurship in the region, we are focused on:

  • Creating a network of start-up entrepreneurs, e-governance experts and advocates for digital freedom in Asia. These include Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines.
  • Knowledge exchange between entrepreneurs in Europe and Asia.
  • Developing a new capacity building module for young entrepreneurs in the region with the involvement of relevant government agencies.

Through the efforts of our country teams and regional work, we hope to:

  • Contribute to the growing interest in entrepreneurship, especially amongst the millennials of the region. We also hope to actively involve relevant responsible government agencies and individuals in building the spirit of entrepreneurship.
  • Identify potential candidates in the region that the foundation can support in starting up their businesses through knowledge exchange as well as networking events.

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