Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change

There is no doubt that there is a growing need to not only engage the broader public in environmental issues but also to work towards viable solutions for the region’s environmental sustainability challenges. Some of our foundation’s country programs in Southeast and East Asia aim to enhance the knowledge and understanding of various stakeholders as well as contribute to policy making in the region.

With our country level and regional programs we continue to:

  • Advance political discourse around environmentally sustainable economic growth in the region in order to influence policy in Asia.
  • Support international dialogues and knowledge exchanges on low carbon growth at the local, national, and regional levels.
  • Engaging youth groups in the region in policy discussions around climate change and market economies.

Through the efforts of our country teams as well as regional projects, some of our success stories have been:

  • Our Philippines team’s successful development of a Best Practices Handbook for Climate Change in the Philippines, which was downloaded more than 43,000 times and shared more than 44,000 times on social network platforms in the country.  Our country team also worked with local partners in successfully developing 9 policy reports that were part of an online natural disaster management project. The reports specifically addressed climate change issues in the Philippines as well as related policies and laws.
  • In the Philippines, our country team also developed policy recommendations for climate change management in the Philippines, which were introduced in 2013 to several thousand climate change advocates and activists.  Our country team also raised awareness for climate change, smart resource management, and good governance in the Philippines through two half-marathon events. The events brought in around 3,800 participants.
  • Successfully advocated for the inclusion of climate change programs into three member parties (Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, Liberal Party of the Philippines, and Civil Will Green Party of Mongolia).
  • Our Indonesian team has actively engaged youth groups in Indonesia in 10 workshops across 10 provinces and 5 universities on the topic of “Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Indonesia”.  Additionally, our team has partnered with The Youth Freedom Network in carrying out 32 events on climate change with an attendance of over 2,000 participants in the last 5 years. These events were mainly held at universities in Indonesia.
  • Additionally, our team has also engaged local politicians in Indonesia in three discussion workshops focusing on: 1. What contributions political parties can make to environmental protection; 2. Indonesia’s strategy for the Paris Climate Summit COP 21, and 3. Strategy to protect Indonesia’s national parks.
  • Our team in Korea introduced North Korean partners to a variety of topics in the field of environmental protection and sustainability. This included, amongst others, renewable energy usage and sustainable urban planning.

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