RightsCon 2025: “They told me it's not your fault. And I told them everything will be fine.”

© FNF 2025 "They told me it's not your fault. And I told them everything will be fine"
“They told me it's not your fault. And I told them everything will be fine.”
- Artist|Ting-Ting Cheng
- Venue|Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, 2nd floor of West i-CENTER (No. 177, Section 1, Jianguo South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City).
- Opening Hours|12:00-19:00 (Closed on Mondays)
Reservations now open.
Click the link to book your spot! https://www.surveycake.com/s/Xrqg3
In 2021, private and intimate images of countless young women were leaked in the “Chuangyi Sifang (創意私房) ” chatroom on the Telegram platform and the Facebook group “Domineering Society (霸社).” Perpetrators routinely exposed the personal information of thousands of victims using tactics reminiscent of South Korea's 2020 Nth Room scandal, but on a larger scale. Around the same time, the Sexual Image Processing Center observed a significant increase in reports of "online video sexual extortion," where primarily male victims were lured into sharing intimate images during online dating and video chats, only to be blackmailed later. In addition, "deepfake" technology was misused to create explicit videos by superimposing the faces of well-known public figures and politicians. This form of cybercrime caused serious personal and reputational damage, undermining the basic human rights upheld in a democratic society.
In July 2024, Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare published its “Tech-facilitated Gender-based Violence Status Survey Report,” revealing that nearly 60% of individuals aged 18 to 74 have encountered gender-related violence in online spaces. The report highlights that tech-facilitated gender-based violence can affect people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or appearance, indicating that anyone can potentially be targeted for commodification, harassment, or exploitation. Many become vulnerable to tech-facilitated gender-based violence while earnestly exploring their own identities and sexuality. The anonymity, ease of replication, and near-untraceability inherent in digital environments present significant challenges for law enforcement, undermining interpersonal trust and weakening the social fabric.
In response to these concerns, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Innovation Hub (hereinafter FNF Foundation) presents an exhibition titled “They told me it's not your fault. And I told them everything will be fine” by artist Ting-Ting Cheng. This exhibition explores the challenging realities of tech-facilitated gender-based violence, and invites viewers to engage with this issue through an immersive and interactive experience. Visitors navigate through various everyday scenarios guided by cues from phone screens and narrations that highlight the pervasive nature of tech-facilitated gender-based violence and the diverse identities of those involved. The exhibition aims to raise public awareness and empathy, foster a safe space that welcomes dialogue, and inspire collective action for change.
Following its first edition in September 2024 to widespread acclaim, the exhibition has been invited as an official side event of RightsCon 2025 in Taipei. The FNF foundation partners with Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) this time to invite artist Ting-Ting Cheng to present a bilingual (Mandarin Chinese and English) edition of the work, seeking to once again ignite public dialogue on issues surrounding body, gender, sexuality and human rights in the digital era, while expanding these discussions to a global audience.
**This exhibition is organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Innovation Hub, in collaboration with Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB), and is an official side event of RightsCon 2025 in Taipei.
About the Artist
Born in 1985 in Taipei, Ting-Ting Cheng graduated from University of Westminster with MA Photographic Studies and Goldsmiths College with MFA Fine Art. Cheng had solo exhibitions in Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Galerie Grand Siècle (Taipei), Solid Art (Taipei), 182 Art Space (Tainan), Identity Art Gallery (Hong Kong), Gallery Nomart (Osaka), Iniva (London), Addaya Centre d'Art Contemporani (Mallorca), and Luis Adelantado (Valencia). Other exhibitions she participated in include Tokyo Biennale 2020/21, the Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil, São Paulo, Brazil and more.

Creative Team
Organizers|Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Innovation Hub, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB)
Executive Organizer|C-LAB Contemporary Art Platform
Official Side Event of RightsCon 2025 in Taipei
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Innovation Hub
Project Director|Anna Marti
Project Supervisor|Céline Nauer
Project Manager|Jim Hsu-Sung Wu
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB)
Executive Director | Tsui-Yu Hsieh
Director of Contemporary Art Platform | Dar-Kuen Wu
Exhibition Coordiantion|Wei-Tzu Chuang, Ariel Sung
Exhibition Team
Artist|Ting-Ting Cheng
Curators|Elanor Hsinho Wang, I-Ying Liu
Consultants|Anny Chang (CEO of Well Planet Foundation), Tao-Feng Lee (Director of The Fourth Birth Satir Counseling Center)
Performers|Cai-Syuan Chang, Chen-Yu Kao, Hsinwen Liang, Liting Tan
Animation Design & Exhibition Installation Assistant|Fabio Sayegh
Visual Design|Li-Jen Chen
Lighting Design & Installation|Foison Art Studio
Chinese-to-English Translation|Yvonne Kennedy
Photography|Crystal Pan, Cheng-Jung Wu
Exhibition Assistants|Hua-Wei Huang, Huai-Ling Huang, Ming-Yu Chang
Special Thanks to Chiang I Ting, Dr. Michaela Lissowsky (FNF Human Rights Hub)