FNF Annual Meeting 2020 - An evening to remember

On July 23, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Vietnam had successfully organised the "FNF Annual Partner Meeting" in an intimate, open atmosphere at Pan Pacific Hotel with the presence of 50 distinguished guests and partners of FNF Vietnam.
The event is extremely honored to welcome His Excellency, Dr.Guido Hildner - the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vietnam and our guests from German Embassy and different Vietnamese and German organisations. For more than 8 years working in Vietnam, FNF Vietnam highly appreciates the cooperation and exchange with partners and experts in implementing projects to promote the market economy and in the diplomatic relationship between Vietnam and Germany.
The beginning of 2020 witnesses a historical moment of the EU Parliament’s consent of the European Union (EU) - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which is an impressive achievement contributing to the strengthening of the German-Vietnamese partnership. In times of dealing with the massive worldwide economic downturn after Covid-19, the positive impact of EVFTA on Vietnam is even more obvious than before.
In line with that, FNF Vietnam has started off 2020 with a new leadership, has moved to a new location and has, therefore, renewed its commitment to its mission. This year, FNF Vietnam continues to support Vietnam in improving its market economy through funding projects, exchange and training courses. In addition, many of our activities are designed towards fostering and enhancing the competitiveness of businesses in Vietnam and EU through EVFTA and celebrating the big event of the 45th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Germany as well as 30 years of close Vietnam - EU relations.
Here are some photos of the evening: