Launching Conference: "Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2018"

(8.5.2018) Big event for FNF Vietnam today. Supported by us, our Partner VEPR (Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research) launched extreme successfully the "Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2018" in Pan Pacific Hotel Hanoi.
Mark Stanitzki

Mr. Mark Stanitzki, Country Director of FNF Vietnam, gave the opening remarks.



More than 200 policy-makers, representatives from ministries, embassies, universities, and international organizations participated in the conference.


Mr. Nguyen Kim Son, President of Vietnam National University, and Mr. Mark Stanitzki, Country Director of FNF Vietnam, gave the opening remarks.


Vietnam media paid close attention to the results of the conference.


This year's report, entitled “Understanding the Labor Market for Productivity Enhancement”, focuses on Vietnam’s productivity in the international context. It analyzes several aspects of Vietnam’s labor market and recommends short-term and long-term policies for the economy.


Mr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of VEPR, presented the overall positive results of Vietnam's economic growth (6.7% in 2017) and pointed out challenges Vietnam faced with, like public debt, low productivity, quality of human resources and employment, and its huge informal sector.


Please click on the link below to download the presentation of the report:


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[Chuyển tới Website tiếng Việt]