German President's Cairo Visit: Round Table Highlights

Germany - Egypt

The German Embassy in Cairo hosted a round table discussion on September 10, 2024, marking the visit of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The event brought together representatives from Egyptian civil society, the German political foundations, and key stakeholders. Among the attendees were German ambassador-designate Jürgen Schulz, Liberal Party MP Ulrich Lechte, representatives from the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, the online magazine Ahki, the media, and the general secretary of the liberal movement, alongside representatives of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), Hans Seidel Foundation (HSS), Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS).


Sustainable Development and Economic Challenges

Discussions focused on the crucial role of the private sector and the need to boost investments in achieving sustainable development goals. Participants also addressed pressing economic challenges, such as rising inflation, recent subsidy cuts, and concerns over the growing burden of International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans on future generations.

Freedom of Media and Expression

Media expert Nessma Elsaied called for expedited issuance of work permits for foreign media outlets in Egypt and encouraged greater collaboration between Egyptian officials and these organizations. She emphasized the need to create a more open environment for media engagement.

The CEO of Ahki, Namees Arnous, highlighted the significant role social media plays in providing a safe and alternative platform for women to express themselves and access essential information, including resources on gender-based violence (GBV), reproductive health, and mental health.

Human Rights and Civil Society

The participants also discussed Human Rights issues, underscoring the importance of enacting laws that safeguard personal and public freedoms, including freedom of expression. They called for the enactment of a Freedom of Information Law, as well as for issuing more licenses to independent media outlets, which they view as essential to fostering open discussions on societal issues.

Hany Abdel Malak, FNF, pointed out that while Egypt’s new law regulating civil society work has improved the operational environment for NGOs, challenges in implementation remain.

The discussion also touched on the growing complexities faced by German political foundations in their collaborations with Egyptian government institutions. The annual approvals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) for the foundations’ projects reached on average six months but should not take more than 6 weeks. Thomas Schama, the resident representative of HSS, expressed concerns over bureaucratic delays and arbitrary partner rejections by MFA, which complicate project implementation.