Think Freedom- Freedom to Write a Song

Meet Jamal Ali from Azerbaijan
Meet Jamal Al

Meet Jamal Ali


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Think Freedom: Freedom to Write a Song, Jamal

Freedom to Write a Song

Meet the first character of the "Think Freedom" documentary series- Jamal Ali. Jamal is arrested and beaten in Azerbaijan after writing and publicly performing a protest song. Facing prosecution and prison time for expressing his frustration with the government, he decides to make the rational choice – to flee Baku and settle in Berlin. He continues to make music and works for independent Azerbaijani TV Channel Meydan TV.

Think Freedom 

Nowadays, liberal values are in danger globally. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom’s project “Think Freedom” highlights the life stories of six inspiring liberal-minded individuals, one of whom is Jamal. The characters of the “Think Freedom” documentary film series embody the core liberal principles of freedom, choice and responsibility. The overarching theme is their self-determination to pursue freedom by overcoming challenges in the shrinking spaces of their democracies. The six documentaries address the fundamental questions these individuals face every day at a crossroad in their lives such as “To speak or to stay silent?”, “To stay or to go?”, “To stay yourself or to conform?”.

“Think Freedom” is a cooperative project by the Regional Office for East and Southeast Europe of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (“FNF ESEE”) and Tanuki Films. “Think Freedom” was conceived by Dr Rainer Adam, Regional Director of FNF ESEE, and directed by David Djambazov and Anna Stoeva of Tanuki Films.

Watch all episodes of Think Freedom here: 

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Learn more about the 6 Stories about Choice, 6 Stories about Freedom in the flyer below.