(19.6.2024) Offside? LGBTQ Inclusion in Professional Football



From 4:00 PM:     Registration

4:30-5:15 PM:      Panel Discussion

5:15-5:30 PM:      Q&A Session

From 6:00 PM:     Match Germany vs. Hungary

Lennart W. Salemink, Former Candidate for the European Parliament, Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, the Netherlands

Julia Monro, Member of the Federal Board, LSVD+ The Lesbian and Gay Federation, Germany

Luis C. Cano, Campaign Consultant, ALDE Party

Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett,
LGBTQ+ Spokesperson of the Human Rights Committee, Liberal International

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About the Event

This event aims to shed light on the challenges and opportunities of LGBTQ integration in professional football. Against the backdrop of the upcoming Euro Championship 2024 in Germany, we want to emphasize the importance of this topic. LGBTQ athletes in football face unique challenges that can affect both their careers and personal well-being. Our panel discussion will provide a platform to discuss these crucial issues, analyze the current situation, and share best practices for promoting inclusion in professional football. Through this event, we aim to highlight the importance of openness and acceptance in sports, fostering a more diverse and inclusive football world.

After the discussion, we will head to the Cinquantenaire Social Club Sports Bar, Av. De Cortenbergh 36, across the street, to watch the Euro 2024 match between Germany and Hungary together.

*Please note that you will be forwarded to Google Drive sheet. Film and sound recordings as well as photos will be made at the event, and by attending the event you agree to their subsequent use. Imprint | Privacy Policy