Animate Europe is coming to Schwarzenbach!

FNF Europe's top project, the comics exhibition „Animate Europe“ has made a stop at Schwarzenbach on Saale (Bavaria). Until April 2020 visitors can see the exhibition at the Erika Fuchs Haus - Museum für Comic und Sprachkunst. The Late Erika Fuchs was a literary genius, who translated the stories about Donald Duck into German, so that they became works of award-winning classical literature. In their introductory statements at the opening of the exhibition, the museum’s director, Dr. Alexandra Hentschel, mayor Hans-Peter Baumann, and the FNF’s representative Dr. Detmar Doering (Prague) agreed that there was a direct path that leads us from Duckburgh to the European Union. Both are Open societies, where different nationalities ( in the case of Duckburgh Even different species) live under one roof in freedom, peace, and prosperity. The disaster of the „Brexit“ has been an eye-opener and even more people do realize, what the EU does for them. But more efforts have to be undertaken to keep the idea of Europe alive. The exhibition will help to serve this purpose.