Reshape Europe EU :

Europe is facing a multitude of serious challenges: The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the Covid pandemic represent the most recent crises, which have detrimental effects on people's lives and our liberal order. Within its own borders, anti-democratic populism and illiberal developments are challenging the EU as a self-proclaimed “community of values”. In the new world order, which is characterized by strategic rivalry between authoritarian states on the one hand and liberal democracies on the other, these are alarming signals. Whether Europe succeeds in facing up to these challenges is therefore of global significance. The EU must show that free and democratic societies are best equipped to master major challenges.

Following the motto "Reshape Europe," we are therefore launching a global dialogue on how Europe can become more resilient in order to stand up to the enemies of freedom worldwide. This requires bold steps that strengthen the EU internally as well as externally: How can we strengthen European defense capabilities and thus make the EU a serious global player in security policy? How can the EU’s economic power be strengthened and its supply of raw materials and energy become less dependent on authoritarian regimes? What can the EU learn from other world regions in this regard? How to truly integrate and unite the EU politically so that it, together with its partners, is capable of defending the liberal world order as a global actor with a common voice?

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