#14 Talking about Markets and the Environment

IAF Talk - Podcast #14

In today's episode of IAF TALK Bettina Solinger has gathered the experts from our seminar "The Future of Market Economy" around a big table in the Academy to have an intensive talk about markets and the environment, and to tackle some important questions: why property rights are important for innovation, why some ideas that are brilliant on the paper but won't work in reality, how developing countries are dealing with climate change and, of course, if the economy is actually able to protect the environment.

In this talk we are meeting Arpita Nepal, Rainer Heufers, Dr Tom G. Palmer and Prof. Dr Andrew Morriss who are not only bringing lots of expertise to the table but also present different perspectives from their experiences. We are learning from many practical examples from around the world why the protection of the environment and fighting climate change is such a complex task - and why we are still optimistic.


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IAF Talk - Podcast #14 Guests

Our podcast guests in today's episode (from left to right): Dr Tom G. Palmer, Arpita Nepal, host & director of IAF Bettina Solinger, Prof. Dr Andrew Morriss and Rainer Heufers

Navigating climate politics

Navigating climate politics

Climate change's global impact necessitates multilateral commitments on a large scale, especially considering its differentiated and disproportionate effects on countries, regions, ecosystems and marginalized groups like women. Climate change as a subject of international politics, deals with debates over responsibilities and capabilities for environmental protection dividing the Global North and Global South countries. The Global South countries demand financial assistance, technology transfer and capacity-building support from the Global North countries for low-carbon transitions and climate resilience. Global South countries argue that the North bears the onus of historical emission while possessing resources to address climate change and hence, it should lead and support the Global South. India, which is a Global South country, has always been on international platforms, actively voicing concerns of developing countries. India has consistently advocated the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR), highlighting the historical emissions of developed nations and emphasizing equity and climate justice in climate action. The country is already experiencing severe climate impacts that affect agriculture, the economy and human health. While the country has ambitious renewable energy plans and aims for Net-Zero emissions by 2070, its reliance on coal power presents a challenge. Extreme heat events and rising energy demand call for just energy transitions and resilient policies. Thus, India's bid to balance its economic growth and carbon reduction requires technology transfer and climate finance.

India's G20 presidency provides a platform to champion inclusive climate multilateralism and push for just energy transitions for developing countries. It should leverage this opportunity to enhance North–South cooperation, present itself as a credible voice of the Global South and promote climate diplomacy, energy access, and disaster relief. It has already showcased its leadership in climate action through initiatives like the International Solar Alliance (ISA) and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI). These can be utilized by India at the G20 to provide a framework for climate finance and technology transfer for climate-resilient actions.

This paper further suggests that to address climate challenges, the G20 should focus on gender-inclusive climate risk resilience, climate finance, and technology transfer. Disaster risk resilience must incorporate gender and indigenous knowledge, while climate finance should include grants-based support for developing countries and endorse gender-inclusive energy transitions. India must also take the lead in reviving regional organizations like SAARC and integrating BIMSTEC for stronger climate action. Inclusivity, climate justice and equitable burden-sharing are essential for effective climate action.

The paper suggests that India has a pivotal role in advancing climate multilateralism and driving inclusive climate action emphasizing the significance of North–South cooperation and aligning regional organizations' efforts, which will foster sustainable development and address the global climate crisis. By actively advocating for just energy transitions, climate finance and technology transfer, India can lead the way towards a more resilient and sustainable future for all nations.


How Does the Market Economy Respond to the Challenges of Sustainable Development?

IAF Future of the Market Economy

How does the Market Economy Answer the Challenges of Sustainable Development? Let's find out through the personal notes of Nanang Sunandar, a participant in the IAF Seminar "The Future of Market Economy", May 28-June 9, 2023.

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