Being Liberal: The Ontology of Freedom

In this engaging episode of IAF Continued Conversations, hosts Bettina Solinger and Sven Gerst explore the deeper aspects of liberalism with guest Alexandre Lefebvre, a professor of politics and philosophy at the University of Sydney. Lefebvre discusses his book, Liberalism as a Way of Life, where he challenges the conventional view of liberalism as just a political doctrine, proposing instead that liberal values, like fairness and freedom, are deeply woven into our daily lives and social practices.
The conversation delves into the contradictions within liberal societies, questioning how well liberalism has lived up to its promises of fairness and equality. Lefebvre calls on liberals to examine their personal commitment to these ideals and introduces "spiritual exercises" to help cultivate a more authentic liberal life.
Join Bettina, Sven, and Alexandre Lefebvre as they explore how liberalism can go beyond politics and become a transformative way of life.
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Books recommended in this episode
- Alexandre Lefebvre - Liberalism as a Way of Life (2024)
- Judith N. Shklar - Ordinary Vices (1984)
- Samuel Moyn - Liberalism against Itself (2023)
- Russ Roberts - How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life (2014)