The Great Realignment in Politics

In this episode of IAF Continued Conversations, hosts Bettina Solinger and Sven Gerst sit down with historian and political thinker Stephen Davies to discuss the shifting landscape of global politics and his thesis on “The Great Realignment.” This conversation builds on Davies' 2018 work with the Cato Institute and explores how his predictions hold up in today’s volatile political climate.
Together, Bettina and Sven delve into the concept of “The Great Realignment,” unpacking the new poles of political discourse and the forces driving these changes. What defines the populist wave we’re witnessing around the world? Is this realignment merely a reaction to contemporary issues, or is it a structural shift in global politics? And how does it differ across regions—from Europe’s “illiberal democracy” movements to Latin America's longstanding populist trends?
Stephen Davies shares insights on the drivers of this realignment, considers whether populism is here to stay, and reflects on Europe’s shifting dynamics following the EU elections. To cap it off, he recommends an essential read for liberals today.
Tune in for an engaging discussion on the forces shaping our political future, only on IAF Continued Conversations.
You can find Steve Davies on X/Twitter: @SteveDavies365
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Books recommended in this episode
- Frank Herbert: Dune
- Alexandre Lefebvre: Liberalism as a Way of Life