German Unity Day Celebration 2022

Stiftungen with German Ambassador for Indonesa

FNF Indonesia, FES, KAS, and HSS with the German Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Ms. Ina Lepel (6th October 2022).

The 3rd of October is German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit). It commemorates the German reunification of the West and the East in 1990 and has been celebrated since then annually. The German Embassy to Indonesia invited Indonesian and international guests as well as German businesses, foundations, and organizations located in Indonesia to celebrate it together. FNF Indonesia was among the four German Foundations (Stiftungen) in Indonesia that were invited to make the event merrier by setting up booths where we could showcase our work.

The event started by listening to the German and Indonesian national anthems, followed by the opening remarks from the German Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Ms. Ina Lepel and remarks from the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia, H. E. Mr. Dr. (h.c.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T.

Our display filled with publications and merchandises on the German Unity Celebration booth.

Our booth filled with publications and merchandise on the German Unity Celebration.

We decorated our part of the booth with our publications, such as Liberalisme Klasik: Perkenalan Singkat (Classic Liberalism: A Short Introduction) and Menuju Indonesia Sejahtera: Esai-esai Kebebasan Ekonomi (Towards a Prosperous Indonesia: Essays on Economic Freedom) which was greeted enthusiastically by the visitors who came to our booth. We also handed out our merchandise such as pens, t-shirts and tumblers along with our booklet for visitors in order for them to get to know FNF more. The German Ambassador herself, Ms. Ina Lepel, even came down to our booth and expressed her curiosity and excitement about our work.

FNF Indonesia expresses gratitude to the German Embassy in Indonesia for inviting us to celebrate the event. We used this opportunity to spread awareness of FNF`s presence in Indonesia and our work here, and it went successfully.

Zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit!


Rania Rizkiadinda is FNF Indonesia's Communications Officer and Program Assistant for Climate Change projects since July 2022.