Students for Liberty's Asia-Pacific Conference 2023: "Liberty Now!"


FNF is happy to be present at the Students for Liberty's Asia-Pacific Conference 2023 "Liberty Now!", held in Jakarta on 29 July 2023. Attended by more than 30 students from all over Jakarta and Bandung area, the conference discussed Liberty in its various facets. 

The event featured a series of captivating panel sessions with remarkable speakers. To kick off, Antonius Cahyadi, a Law Professor at Universitas Indonesia, delivered a compelling presentation on the theme "Liberty Makes Us Equal." Following that, Alfian Banjaransari, Indonesia Country Manager at Center for Market Education (CME-ID), engaged the audience with his insightful discourse on "The Economics of Liberty." Lastly, Geigo Sekayudha, Graphic Designer for Students for Liberty, enriched the discussions by sharing his profound perspectives on the intersection of "Art and Liberty."

At the end of the day, a Tabling session was included. FNF Indonesia set a table of display where our publications were made available to the participants. FNF Indonesia's Program Officer "Anung" Nur Rachmi was present to respond to queries and questions on FNF Indonesia programs, partners, etc. Below are some of the photos from the event.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Students for Liberty for inviting us to this enthralling event! Please click here if you would like to learn more about Students for Liberty: Students For Liberty – A Freer Future.