Dr. Christoph Hoffmann (FDP) on the Arab Region Parliamentary Forum and Lebanon

Dr. Christoph Hoffmann FDP

Dr. Christoph Hoffmann, Development Policy Spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group visited Lebanon last week. He attended the Arab Region Parliamentary Forum of the IPU Parliament on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. 

We had a very interesting dinner with him and our guests, talking about German and Lebanese politics and civil society. Our dinner guests were Dr. Christoph Hoffmann from FDP, Michel Moawad, Member of Lebanese Parliament, Ayman Mhanna, Executive Director of the Samir Kassir Foundation, Mohamad Saad, General Coordinator of Future Youth, Dr. Khouloud Khatib, lawyer, and associate professor and Ahmad Hariri, Future Movement Secretary-General.

For the federal election 2017 Hoffmann joined as an FDP candidate in the constituency of Lörrach - Müllheim and moved, on 10th place in the state list of the FDP Baden-Württemberg, into the 19th German Bundestag. He is among other things a member of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, Deputy Member of the Committee on Food and Agriculture and Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of Central Africa. 

Watch the video if you want to know his personal highlights of the Arab Region Parliamentary Forum as well as his overall impressions of Beirut.

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