International Youth Day
International Youth Day: Shaping the Future with Lebanese Youth


When young people engage with politics, they do more than just participate; they drive change and bring fresh ideas. Their involvement transforms the political landscape by challenging existing systems and introducing new perspectives. This dynamic engagement ensures that politics evolves with societal changes, powered by the creativity and energy of youth.

As we celebrate International Youth Day 2024, we recognize the important role of young people in shaping the future of democracy. At the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Lebanon, we believe that empowering youth through political education and digital innovation is crucial for advancing liberal democracy.

The Role of Lebanese Youth in Politics and Civil Society

Lebanese youth are actively shaping the country’s political and social landscape. They have led major movements, such as the October 2019 protests, calling for systemic change and government accountability. Utilizing digital platforms, they bypass traditional media, raise awareness, and unite diverse groups. Young Lebanese advocate for policy changes in education, environmental protection, gender equality, and economic opportunity through NGOs and civic initiatives. They also promote dialogue to build a more inclusive society.

Despite challenges like high unemployment and political instability, Lebanese youth demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit. They create opportunities, drive economic growth, and challenge traditional political dominance by participating in elections and supporting independent candidates. This involvement seeks fresh perspectives and accountability.


Simulation Models

Youth political education is central to our mission at FNF Lebanon. We are committed to equipping young leaders with the skills needed to drive political innovation and strengthen democratic institutions.

Our programs, developed in collaboration with leading universities such as Université Saint-Joseph (USJ), Lebanese American University (LAU), and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), offer students a comprehensive understanding of liberal values and democratic principles.

  • Model Youth Parliament: This four-day immersive program allows participants to experience parliamentary life and procedures firsthand. The program is open to over 100 students from various universities.

  • Model Good Governance: Over 500 students have attended our training sessions, with more than 3,000 engaging in simulation models. These simulations include role-play, research, and drafting policy statements as representatives of organizations.

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Innovation in Politics

In partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), we offer non-formal education initiatives focused on digital programs, social entrepreneurship, and supporting youth wings of liberal political parties. These programs empower young people to become active participants in the political process, fostering a new generation of leaders committed to democratic values and human rights.

In our different programs young participants met with social innovators and entrepreneurs who are working to develop digital innovations with social impact and advance an open digital infrastructure for the public interest. Through summer schools; young people learned to pitching new ideas, marketing solutions, and developing projects to address local issues.

As we celebrate International Youth Day 2024, it is essential to recognize the transformative impact of Lebanese youth on the country's political and social landscape. Their active participation in political processes—from leading movements to engaging in elections—demonstrates their commitment to democracy and social progress. Through programs like those offered by FNF Lebanon, young leaders gain the skills and knowledge needed to drive political innovation and build a more inclusive society. By empowering youth to lead with creativity and resilience, we are investing in a future where liberal democracy thrives, embracing individual freedoms, human rights, and equal opportunities for all.