Our work approach

The team of Garage664
Open Space

At Garage664, we do not only believe in innovation and collaboration, we live it!

Similar to many Silicon Valley founders who began their journeys to success in the small, indoor burrows of car parking spaces, the entry to our office, is also a literal garage gate. In the mornings, when the garage door rolls up and the working hours begin, you are not first welcomed at a reception desk or fancy lobby, you walk into a former apartment, but now our open office co-working space. At Garage664, we all work in the same space, whether you’re the Head of Office or the current intern. This allows for short paths when there are questions and to constantly keep the work flow moving for maximum productivity. Furthermore, it inspires creative ideas as everyone in the office is encouraged to speak up and share their thoughts.

Although we also have a conference room and a stage area that we use to host events, these two are not the heart of the Garage664; it is the communal space that brings us closer together. At the Garage, we meet, discuss, share things about our professional and personal lives, and also laugh, cook, and enjoy the work we pursue.Simply put, not only are we innovative, but so is the environment we work in. - Cheers to innovation.

Here's what our people have to say:

At our Beirut office, we have a diverse team with international and local experts. The most important factor when it comes to setting up the team is, to us, that everybody is passionate about their work and really loves passing through the garage gates every morning. We are not only co-workers, but we also engage in team outing, such as trips to the museum, or enjoy a lovely dinner together.

  • "Garage664 is the place where I am building my very first memories with my new-born daughter. Yes, she is growing up in a garage. The office is not simply a working area; it is a space with a spirit... a family spirit that keeps us going and sane, and that unleashes our productivity and creativity." - Maysa
  • "For me, working at FNF Lebanon and Syria is punk rock because the work of this office is truly dynamic and engages more young people in the region to promote liberalism and be active in civil society." - Marielle
An event at Garage664

Garage664 as an event space:

Not only do we spread a liberal spirit with our own work, we also believe in collaborations of various kind. Liberal-minded organizations and individuals are welcomed to approach us when they are interested in using our inspiring space. If we believe in their ideas, and they are conform to FNF’s values, we are happy to open our garage gate for their audience. Please reach out to us if you have an event on your mind that would fit our mission.

    Filling the beer fridge

    Key facts about Garage664

    • It’s a real garage, that was formerly an apartment (giving the space an innovative but also home-like feel)
    • We use the open work space concept (with no divide between the Head of Office and staff)
    • We have our own event stage (which we also use to support local events outside of FNF)
    • We have a kitchen that we use on a daily basis
    • We have a beer fridge that is always full (unless we had too much fun, in which case it would be refilled the next morning)
    • We have a baby at the office that brings a smile to everyone on a daily basis – Have you said “Hi” to Elena yet?
    Elena @ WOM