Online Visiting Program
Women in Politics: Political Savvy Skills for Future Female Leaders

Women in Politics

Women in Politics: Political Savvy Skills for Future Female Leaders

FNF Lebanon and FNF Jordan, in collaboration with FNF Europe and IAF Gummersbach, held a three-day virtual visiting programme for 16 Lebanese and Jordanian influential female leaders and activists who work in the field of political participation and civic engagement in politics.

The programme kicked off with a skills workshop by Sana Afouaiz on advocacy and lobbying for women in politics in the Arab world. The session offered solid public speaking skills, including tips, techniques, and demonstration as well as negotiation tactics to solve problems and reach an agreement in politics.

Participants also got the chance to meet with inspiring female politicians from Europe, including Abir al Sahlani, member of the European Parliament, and Gyde Jensen, member of the German bundestag, with whom they exchanged ideas on women’s political empowerment. Furthermore, they spoke to Adam Vink, Manager at ALDE European Women’s Academy (EWA) and Karen Melchior, member of the European Parliament and EWA alumna and were introduced to the great work of EWA that strives to empower women politically and work towards female-friendly and inclusive public policies. The programme wrapped up with an insightful discussion with FNF board member Anne Brasseur, who spoke about the opportunities and challenges of women in politics and society.

By meeting with inspiring liberal politicians and advocates of women’s policies, participants got to exchange best practices and discuss the challenges and opportunities that politically involved women face both in the Arab world and in Europe, which helped them better understand how to deal with the arising challenges and how to work towards female political inclusiveness.Following the success of this programme, a physical version is scheduled to take place next year in Berlin and Brussels for this inspirational group of Lebanese and Jordanian female leaders.