Election Training for Dun Juasseh

Kuala Pilah, 26-28 April 2019
Election Training
© FNF Malaysia 

An Election Training for DUN Juasseh, Kuala Pilah was held from 26th to 28th April 2019.  It was attended by 200 participants comprised of REF Volunteers, local Village Heads and their committees. The training involved both class room and field works.  Participant were trained on basic election management which includes the application of SPERA Cula.  They were then break into smaller groups and assigned to their respective Village Head.  A total of 8 villages were selected.  Participants spent the next two days visiting the villagers and gathering various information.  The information obtained formed the basis for strategic plan for each village.  The REF Volunteers will continue to monitor the implementation of all follow up program.