IAF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia IAF Alumni Network Gathering

Kuala Lumpur, 13 February 2019
FAN CNY Gathering
© FNF Malaysia 

Ever since the FNF Malaysia IAF Alumni Network (FAN) was initiated in Kuala Lumpur, it was meant as a forum that allows every alumni of the International Academy of Leadership (IAF) in Gummersbach, Germany can catch-up on current political, social, economy situation in Malaysia. Lately, due to the busy schedules of the alumni, these gatherings have not been conducted for quite some time until not long ago that one of the members had an initiative to revive it.

FAN CNY Gathering
© FNF Malaysia 

The alumni database was then reviewed and invitations were sent. On 13 February 2019, the first FAN gathering was successfully revived and conducted in 2019. Despite the low turnout, but it gave those who attended the chance to catch-up with each other and even there is a follow-up plan to conduct another gathering this year involving a larger crowd with a slightly different event set-up.

We do hope that FAN Malaysia will be able to sustain its existence and continue to replicate the IAF courses received by the alumni.