Publication (Malaysia) :
Telenisa Statistics and Findings 2022
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Telenisa. Telenisa was established in 2003 to provide legal advisory service for women and men, to inform them on their legal rights under the Islamic Family Law and the Syariah Criminal Offences Law in Malaysia.
Nesya Tirtayana
What Is Nusyuz?
In this episode Telenisa invited Raja Hafiq, a Sharia Lawyer and Fadhul Adnin, Advocacy, Legal Service and Research Unit Manager, Sisters In Islam. The topic on the table? Nusyuz. But what exactly is Nusyuz? And does it hold true that if a husband accuses his wife of Nusyuz, she loses all her rights as a spouse? Another question that arises: Why does the law concerning Nusyuz only address women and not men? Dive into the article below to uncover these thought-provoking answers and gain a deeper understanding of this complex issue
Survey of Selangor Residents’ Knowledge and Awareness about Local Councils & KUASA Recommendation
Local councils are bureaucracies without community involvement in decision making or policy direction. Residents have no meaningful way to engage constructively with their councils. Ultimately, only 0.7% (or six persons) from the 858 respondents knew their mayor/council president’s name.
Short Videos on Gender Equality, Women's Rights, and Feminism
Perbincangan mengenai isu gender, hak wanita dan feminisme semakin popular di Malaysia. Namun begitu, ramai orang termasuk pelajar universiti mempunyai pemahaman yang samar-samar mengenai isu tersebut. Tidak semua kursus mengajar isu jantina sebagai sebahagian daripada kurikulum pengajian mereka dan beberapa kursus mengajar isu jantina pada peringkat seterusnya dalam kursus mereka.
Amerul Muner Mohammad Afdal Izal Hashim
This policy paper identifies and highlights relevant actions and strategies enacted by Malaysia through bilateral and multilateral platforms. These include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the group of former British colonies of the Commonwealth, the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and the loosely formed Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) between Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.