Freedom School

Johor Bahru, 16-18 August 2019
Freedom School
© Photo by  Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)

From 16 to 18 August 2019, Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) has successfully organized the Freedom School located at the Amerin Hotel, Johor Bahru. This is the first time LEAD has organized this training program in the southern part of the country.

Freedom School is a civic education program that exposes on the political economy and debates of political theory in the context of public policy-making. Among the modules taught are Constitution and Rule of Law, Political System, Democracy and Election, Human Rights, and Economy and Free Market.

The training was conducted by Mr. Tarmizi Anuwar, Research Manager of LEAD. It was attended by youth from various background eg: activist, political-party members, and professional.