Freedom School Perlis

Perlis, 20-22 September 2019
Freedom School
© Photo by Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) 

On 20 – 22 September 2019, Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) had organized Freedom School event at Hotel Seri Malaysia, Kangar, Perlis. Freedom School is a three days two nights civic education program designed to train participants in the aspect of political leadership, basic economy, and human rights.

It consists of seven modules which are: 1) Constitution and Rule of Law, 2) Political System, Democracy and Election, 3) Democracy, Politics, and Human Rights, 4) Budget and Taxation, 5) Economy and Free Market, 6) Free Trade and Protectionism and 7) Political Diplomacy. The program was attended by 40 participants from various background including high school students, undergraduate students, professionals, activists, and political party members.

The program was attended by 40 participants from various background including high school students, undergraduate students, professionals, activists, and political party members.

Most participants are actively engaged in the discussion. Especially during ‘Budget and Taxation’ module. A lot of questions have been asked and the trainer, Mr. Tarmizi Anuwar the Research Manager of LEAD, need an extra time to explain about the government mechanism of acquiring and spending taxpayer’s money.

Mr. Noor Amin bin Ahmad as Founding Director of LEAD also had the opportunity to greet the participants on the last day of event. He also shared his responsibilities as the new Member of Parliament (MP) for Kangar constituency and the challenges he faces as part of the ruling government.

Freedom School
© Photo by Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)