IAF Seminar on Moderation: Facilitation and Program Design

Gummersbach, 10-22 February 2019
IAF Facilitation
© Azareena Abdul Aziz 

Thanks to the International Academy for Leadership (IAF) and FNF Malaysia for giving me the opportunity to attend the Moderation: Facilitation and Program Design. The 12-days seminar was held from 10th of February to 22nd February 2019 at Theodor-Heuss-Akademie, Gummersbach, Germany.


The seminar had successfully highlighted the two streams of learning which are:


  • The understanding of programme development in order to be more successful at organising,

scripting, designing and implementing innovative, relevant and meaningful sessions and events in

   their organisations.

  • The individual skills and personal development which consider the unique development needs and ways of being of each participant.

This seminar was attended by 26 participants from 23 countries, consisting of politicians, lawyers, lecturer, youth leaders and activists. The diverse background of the participants provided an interesting outlook and discussion on matters relating to ideas, experiences, practices, beliefs and cultures.


The seminar covered the concept and methodology of:

  • The Thinking Environment
  • The Context of our Time: Trends & Impact
  • The Facilitator as Learner: The Way of Being of a Learner
  • Making and Managing Commitments (Linguistics acts and Building Trust)
  • Formation of Learning Partnerships
  • Working with Moods & Emotions
  • Learning Partnership
  • Innovation in User-Driven Events
  • Responding to Workshop & Event Dilemmas
  • The Being of Being Prepared (Co-Facilitation, Managing a Team, Flexibility, Time Management, Being Prepared, Requests)
  • An Introduction to Scripting (Scripting Formats, Advantages)


Throughout the sessions, the participants learned the ways to improve their skills in communication and how to increase capacity in facilitation, designing programme and various methods of programme implementation.

IAF Facilitation
© Azareena Abdul Aziz 

The sessions during the seminar were useful as it involved quite a number of group work sessions. All participants were required to play an active role and have to work as a team. Personally, I have gained numerous tips on how to engage and cooperate with others in regard to observing behaviour, body language and surrounding.


The participants also had an excursion to Cologne and Berlin which gave us the opportunity to learn more about the history of the places. Among the place that we have visited are the churches, museum and historical places.


Participants attended workshops on the power of mindful non-verbal communication, graphic recording and visual facilitation, beyond gamification, values of liberalism and a meeting with Member of parliament from Free Democrats and Young Liberals during our four days stay in Berlin.


Honestly, the seminar is very useful to me as a feminist, activist and a facilitator. Despite the different cultural, ethnic and religious background, we have exchanged and shared many positive values, perspectives and opinions. Through the experience and knowledge that I have gained, I hope the various theories and methodology can be further implemented in Sisters in Islam engagement with the grassroots and youth communities in Malaysia.