Leadership and Value Based Politics for Pahang State Leaders

Pahang, 6-8 September 2019
Leadership and VBP for Pahang State Leaders
© Photo by ARK (Akademi Keadilan) 

ARK conducted a workshop from 6 to 8 September 2019, entitled ''Leadership and Value Based Politics''. This workshop was conducted at the request of the People's Justice Party, Pahang's State Chief for Training, Haji Abas Awang. His request was for ARK to conduct a workshop for the State's Leadership Committee, as well as leaders from the youth wing and women wing. The 40 participants registered and gathered on Friday evening for dinner at Cathayana Hotel Kuantan in Pahang. 

After dinner, the workshop began with a welcome address from Haji Abas Awang and Julaily Jemadi from the ARK team. This was followed by Icebreaking and Learning Contract by Khairul Azman from the ARK team. Day one ended with supper. 

Leadership and VBP for Pahang State Leaders
© Photo by ARK (Akademi Keadilan) 

On Saturday morning, Raiyan Abdul covered Learning Expectations and Learning Outcomes. She then conducted an Introduction to Values Based Politics, through the following sessions: (1) What's Your Choice?, (2) Meaning of Civil Society, and (3) House of VBP. 

After lunchtime, we had Manivannan Gowin (Deputy Information Chief of the People's Justice Party) presenting as a guest speaker. His session was entitled, "18 Principles of Justice", as stated in the People's Justice Party's constitution.

Leadership and VBP for Pahang State Leaders

After the afternoon tea break, we had a session with the Honorable Fuziah Salleh, ARK's founder. She conducted the session on "Where Do You Stand?" and discussed issues related to needs-based policies, human rights, and gender.  On Sunday, we continued with more sessions related to VBP. We also requested the participants to share their ideas on the best way to widen VBP's application and outreach. The event was concluded with Haji Abas Awang and Raiyan Abdul presenting certificates to the participants.