SIM Democracy
Learning Democracy the Fun Way: GERAKAN Party Youth Engaged in a SIM Democracy Playthrough

GERAKAN Party representatives with Program Managers from FNF Malaysia and FNF Thailand.
On 18-19 October 2024, the SIM Democracy Game was introduced to GERAKAN Party Youth in Malaysia to accommodate their interest to replicate the game play in their respective States. A game play session was conducted on the first day with the objective to train a new batch of trainers who will be able to replicate the games elsewhere. It is then followed by the main event of the game play the following day attended by representatives of the GERAKAN Party Youth.

Mary, Program Manager at FNF Thailand, is demonstrating the mechanics of the SIM Democracy game to the representatives of GERAKAN Party and its youth wing.
The SIM Democracy Game was produced by FNF Thailand office and has been introduced and played in several countries in the region and Europe. It is a board game that brings the fun into learning about how to govern a country as well as the values of democracy, transparency, and accountability.
In Malaysia, GERAKAN Party acknowledged this opportunity as an alternative way to introduce their Party, communicate their message, and also to get closer with the youth. Having this in mind, the Party invited several representatives of the Party Youth to introduce the game and played it among themselves. These Party Youth representatives shall act as facilitators in their States and will have the task to replicate the game play with their youth voters and the public in general in order to engage and communicate and message of the Party that will be inserted during the game play.

GERAKAN Party welcomes FNF to their secretariat to introduce the SIM Democracy game.
The event ended with a closing remark from the President of the GERAKAN Party who reminded the participants the importance of engaging with the youth and instilling democratic values in their works. We hope that the SIM Democracy game can be a great alternative to help the Party win the interest of the youth in politics and good governance.
Editor: Dhea Ramadhani (Program Assistant & Communications Officer)