Value Based Politics Workshop for Johor Young Leader's Committee

Johor, 13-15 September 2019
Johor Value Based Politics
Participants presented one of the 18 principles of justice © Photo by ARK (Akademi Keadilan) 

ARK (Akademi Keadilan) conducted a workshop from 13 to 15 September 2019, entitled "Value Based Politics'' in Johor. This workshop was conducted at the request of the Youth Leader of the People's Justice Party for the State of Johor; Yuneswaran Ramaraj. His request was for ARK to conduct a workshop for the State's Young Leaders' Committee, which included leaders from the youth wing. The 50 participants registered and gathered on Friday evening for dinner at Savannah Inn Resort.

After dinner, the workshop began with a welcome address from IKHLAS (a training agency under the state government), and also an opening address from Aisah Lamsah, representing the ARK team. This was followed by Icebreaking and Learning Contract by Aisah Lamsah.

On Saturday morning, we invited Member of Parliament, the Honorable Hassan Karim to give his morning speech regarding 'Politics among Youth'. After that, Member of Parliament, the Honorable Nurin Aina conducted an Introduction to Value-Based Politics, through the following sessions: (1) Meaning of Civil Society,  (2) House of VBP and (3) Know Your Value.

Johor Value Based Politics
Participants of the workshop. The workshop were also attended by some Members of Parliament: Hassan Karim, Nurin Aina and Akmal Nassir © Photo by ARK (Akademi Keadilan) 

After lunchtime, we continued with MP Nurin Aina presenting her session entitled, "18 Principles of Justice", as stated in the People's Justice Party's constitution. The participants were divided into groups and asked to discuss and present the Principles.

After the afternoon tea break, we had a session with Aisah Lamsah. She conducted the session on 'Jazz vs Orchestra' and participants were required to discuss what they understood about the leadership styles that the two styles of music represented. After dinner we continued with more sessions related to VBP and participants had to discuss what they learnt from 'Jazz vs Orchestra' as well as the '18 Principles Of Justice'. We ended the night at 10.00pm.

On Sunday, we continued with more discussions related to VBP. Member of Parliament, the Honorable Akmal Nasir and Yuneswaran were invited as the guest speakers for the morning session. ARK requested for the participants to share their ideas on the best way to widen VBP's application and outreach.

The event was concluded with MP Akmal Nasir, MP Nurin Aina and Yuneswaran presenting certificates to the participants.

Johor Value Based Politics
The workshop participants comprised of the state's young leaders committee, including leaders of PKR's youth wing © Photo by ARK (Akademi Keadilan)