It’s in your hands and in your feet, Dumaguete City!

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
Ready, Set, Go! Dumageños eagerly participates in Freedom Run 2018 © FNF Philippines

1,235 participants from Dumaguete City and neighboring towns embodied the true essence of citizen’s participation, as they gathered at the Promenade Road, and ran 5 kms. and 10 kms. to accelerate environmental sustainability and to promote a smarter and greener Dumaguete.

Held on 9 June 2018, this is the 11th Freedom Run organised by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), aimed at translating the concept of freedom into a more relateable and innovative manner. This year,  FNF partnered with the Office of Representative Jocelyn Limkaichong (Representative of the 1st District of Negros Oriental) and the Dumaguete City Sports and Youth Development Office.  

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
Runners line-up to start the Freedom Run © FNF Philippines

Known for its rich and diverse marine resources and booming ecotourism, Dumaguete City was chosen to be featured for this year’s Freedom Run to highlight the city’s best practices on environmental protection and good governance – a driver of economic sustainability in the community. With theme, “Accelerating Environmental Sustainability through Citizen’s Participation,” the event aims not only to recognise but also to replicate best practices and to make these known for the Dumagueños so they would know ways on how to participate in these initiatives by their local government.

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
FNF Country Director, Wolfgang Heinze addresses the participants © FNF Philippines

In his opening remarks, FNF Philippines’ Head of Country, Mr. Wolfgang Heinze, emphasised the importance of engaging the community in mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. “We are here not only to promote democracy but to also recognize, celebrate and encourage the citizens of Dumaguete to keep their city clean and green.”

Rep. Jocelyn Limkaichong, energised the crowd and warmly introduced the keynote speaker, Mr. Leo Mamicpic, a known environmentalist and the President of the Siliman University Alumni Association in Visayas.

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental 1st District Representative, Rep. Jocelyn Limkaichong © FNF Philippines

Mr. Mamicpic shared the recent initiatives of the city such as the Clean and Green Competition amongst the baranggays, the plastic Regulation ordinance and the Solar Energy ordinance in Dumaguete, but elaborated the need of its sustainability. He urged, “Citizen involvement is the key to attain success in many endeavours for a greener Dumaguete. The City should start immediate plans to make Dumaguete a walkable and runnable city. So wake up, Dumaguete, it’s in your hands and in your feet. Run for a cleaner Dumaguete!”

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
Freedom Run's keynote speaker Mr. Leo Mamicpic © FNF Philippines

Pure play band, a local band, provided the entertainment as they sing through the hearts of their fellow Dumagueños and make everyone jump to their feet. Victors from the 5k and 10k categories received exciting prizes from the event’s partners.

Freedom Run 2018 Dumaguete City
Fredo joins Mr. Heinze and Rep Limkaichong in Freedom Run celebration © FNF Philippines

Friedrich Naumann Foundation is a German non-profit organization that promotes rule of law, social market economy, good governance and human rights protection.

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