  El Masri

May El Masri

Project Manager FNF Lebanon

Short vita

I hold a BS in Biology from the Lebanese University, and have a long experience in working in the public sector, specifically in healthcare. In my work, I attempted to advocate to fostering a public administration that is democratic, cooperative and underscores governance.

I was also the Pool of Trainers program manager at the International Federation of Liberal Youth, and IFLRY council member for several years, where we continuesly worked to advance IFLRY’s central goal, which is globalizing freedom.

I joined FNF Lebanon and Syria in July 2022, because I believe in the importance of political education and dialogue in helping shape citizens who take part in the political process and assume responsibility, who get involved and express their opinions for liberal democracies to grow and flourish. As a Liberal, I strive for an open and inclusive society that respects diversity, and offers equal opportunities for everyone to be able to innovate and advance.

I believe Freedom, like any valuable asset, is not inherent or guaranteed. It requires constant vigilance from a free populace to protect it. I always loved one of the quotes of Fannie Lou Hamer. She said, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” That is true for all kinds of freedom, and we have a long way to go.

