The Freedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom the Middle East and North Africa office (FNF MENA) Kicks off New Project: “Naumann MENA Academy”


Amman Jordan, 17.07.2024 — The Naumann MENA Academy officially launched its opening session with a dynamic virtual kick-off event, marking an essential moment in empowering youth across the MENA region. Hosted by Regional Director Jörg Dehnert, the event brought together country directors from the MENA offices and enthusiastic participants of the upcoming hackathon. During the opening address, Jörg Dehnert underscored the academy's mission to empower youth and encourage active civic engagement. He emphasized the critical role of the participants, stating, "You are the future for this region, actually, you are the only future this region has." This sentiment resonated with the audience, highlighting the academy's commitment to nurturing political leadership and fostering positive change.


Naumann MENA Academy Hackathon: “MENA Youth Regaining Trust in Political Leadership”

 A key highlight of the kick-off event was the announcement of the hackathon's theme: "Youth Regaining Trust in Political Leadership." This hackathon aims to connect the creativity and innovative spirit of young leaders from across the region to address persistent political challenges. The hackathon will take place in Amman from July 29th to August 2nd2024, gathering 18 participants from seven countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Morocco, and Mauritania. Yasmeen Alnajdawi, MENA Project Coordinator, elaborated on the framework of the hackathon, expressing optimism about the level of competition anticipated. "We are expecting strong competition as our offices have nominated very strong candidates to compete at the hackathon," she remarked. Alnajdawi's enthusiasm underscored the academy's dedication to providing a platform for young leaders to exchange ideas, collaborate, and drive meaningful change in their communities.


Throughout the hackathon, participants will benefit from guidance by main political expert Hussam Erhayyel and youth advisor Abdallah Abdo, who emphasized, "For young liberal leaders in MENA, political innovation is crucial for rebuilding trust and fostering genuine political participation. The hackathon will empower youth to generate and implement innovative solutions.

Stay Informed: Daily Hackathon Updates from Naumann MENA Academy