Technical Education and Vocational Training in Jordan

Examining Opportunities and Challenges for TVET with Jordan
TVET in Jordan

Prof. Dr. Abdallah Al-Zoubi, President of Al-Balqa Applied University during the keynote speech


In a public conference aiming to raise awareness about technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Jordan; academia, TVET providers, industrialists, national and international organizations, as well as representative of the business community have met in an attempt to bridge gabs, and capitalize on opportunities TVET would provide to Jordanian youth.

Organised by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), the Jordanian Club of Humboldt Fellows, Al-Balqa’ Applied University and the Jordanian Club of Humboldt Fellows, under the patronage of H.E Professor Waleed Al-Maani - Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, the conference entitled “New Horizons New Horizons in Technical Education and Vocational Training in Jordan” tried to provide a platform for all the stakeholders to exchange their thoughts and needs.

The keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Abdallah Al-Zoubi, President of Al-Balqa Applied University to illustrate the status of “technical education” in Jordan on behalf of H.E Prof. Dr. Waleed AlMaani, Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research. Mohamed Badran, Program Director, Labour Market Oriented Vocational Education Higher Education and Training at GIZ has shared during the conference a comprehensive overview on the status of TVET in Germany.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom provides a platform for its partners and friends to create and develop innovative solutions. This collaboration must begin at the level of schools, in a manner that focuses more on nurturing new entrepreneurial and technical skills among students to widen their options for post-school education and studies.

Sanad Nawar
Sanad Nawar - Project Coordinator at our Jordan Office

The panelists were Eng. Hani Khleifat, General Director of Vocational Training Institution, Prof. Dr. Amjed Al-Fahoum, Dean of School of Engineering Technology, Al-Hussein Technical University, Prof. Dr. Hussein Sarhan, Advisor to the President for Technical Education, Director of the Evaluation and Examinations Unit – BAU, and Dr. Maher Mahrouq, Director General, Jordan Chamber of Industry have addressed the current status of TVET in Jordan and examine the challenges it faces.

In order to highlight methods to create motivation and interest in TVET among youth in Jordan, Dr. Mohamed Gaith, Director, Scientific Research & Innovation Support Fund, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Eng. Nidal Malkawi, Director of the Vocational Education and Production Directorate, Ministry of Education, and Eng. Khawla Kloub, Head of Geographic Information System Division, Royal Jordanian Geographic Center have shared their ideas.

In addition, the conference provided a platform for for students and teachers who have succeeded within TEVT, to create interest among youth.

In the frame work of the conference, “Why Not?” exhibition hosted nine providers of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Jordan to present their programs and talk to audience about different opportunities TVET can serve. TVET providers were AlHussein Technical University, Jordan Chamber of Industry, Balqa Applied University, Vocational Training Corporation, Luminus College, SAE Institute Jordan, Royal Jordanian Geographic Center, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Jordan Hotel Association.