30 Facts On 30 Years Of German Unity
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Korea has released a publication to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of German Reunification and to take a look at what has been achieved. Laying out "30 Facts of 30 Years of German Unity" that reflects on the state of Germany since the beginning of the 1990s to its present state, the publication shows how the two countries have become one in the last 30 years. While there have been many adjustments, hardships and challenges for the people, the unification process of the last 30 years overall has been a historical success. We now have large generations that grew up in a unified Germany. Although we still find differences between the two parts, these 30 facts show how Germany has become a united country, socially, economically and culturally. Not everything has been fully resolved, nevertheless looking back on the success story of 30 years of unity, we are full of optimism and hope that the united Germany will continue on its succesful path.
Check out our publication for more details: You can download and read this publication in German, Korean, or English from the links below.
German Version
Korean Version
English Version