Smart Cities
South Korea's Smart Cities

On the 28th of September, FNF Korea organized a “Smart City Talk” for German liberals at the occasion of the visit by the Verband der Stipendiaten und Altstipendiaten (VSA), an official alumni organization composed of present and former scholarship holders of FNF.
During the opening, Sangwoo Han, Director of Center for Local Autonomy at Hanyang University greeted the delegation, stressing a close cooperation between Hanyang University and FNF, while Sungeun Lim the Program Manager for South Korea gave a short introduction on the work of the FNF in South Korea.
This was followed by a presentation of Doyhoon Kim, Executive Principal at the National Information Society Agency, who gave an engaging presentation on “Smart City in Korea” which offered an interesting insight in the development and current situation of Smart Cities in South Korea. The presentation initiated a lively discussion and a lot of questions, for example, on the handling of 5G in Korea in comparison to Germany.