UPCOMING EVENT: Jeju Forum 2019

jeju forum

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is pleased to announce its upcoming event at jeju Forum 2019 from May 29 to 31. FNF organizes a session on “Smart Cities and Startups - Opportunities for Business Innovation” on the second day.

[Smart Cities and Startups – Opportunities for Business Innovation]

Date: Thursday, May 30. 17:10-18:40
Place: Room 201A, ICC JEJU

In the past, the technological innovation has been mainly driven by large global technology providers. These days, “Smart Cities” create opportunities for innovation, calling for new approaches in business sectors. Startups are emerging as new providers of smart urban services for smart cities, and also creator of jobs.  
Our session aims to assess the challenges and opportunities that startups are facing and discuss strategies to create enabling ecosystems where startups can thrive, by tackling following questions. “What regulatory framework needs to be made to make startups survive and scale up later? What would be the role of city government and what policies/regulations should be implemented to support business innovation of startups? What would the strategies for startups to harness a new ecosystem and become a Unicorn? How can we draw a line between freedom to innovate and freedom to privacy in the use of open data?

  • Opening Remarks: Christian TAAKS (Head, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Korea Office)
  • Moderator: Waltraut RITTER (Founder, Knowledge Dialogues, Hong Kong)
  • Speakers: Marc BOVENSCHULTE (Director, Institute for Innovation and Technology, Germany), Sofia RAMIREZ (Business Developer, Hawa Dawa, Germany), HWANG Jie-Eun (Professor, University of Seoul, ROK)
  • Rapporteur: Pimrapaat DUSADEEISARIYAKUL(Program Manager, FNF Thailand)

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