Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy

Anniversary - Members of the CESE Team

Anniversary - Members of the CESE Team

Pictures from the anniversary ceremony held in Berlin on June 25th, 2013.

Photographer: Tina Merkau

Anniversary - Sir Graham Watson MEP and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

Anniversary - Sir Graham Watson MEP and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

Anniversary - Dr. Wolfgang Gerhardt, President of the Board of Directors

Anniversary - Dr. Wolfgang Gerhardt, President of the Board of Directors

Anniversary - German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

Anniversary - German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

Anniversary - In The Front Row

Anniversary - In The Front Row

Anniversary - Ulrich Niemann (in the middle), Director International Politics of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Former Regional Director for the CESE Region

Anniversary - Ulrich Niemann (in the middle), Director International Politics of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Former Regional Director for the CESE Region

Anniversary - The Venue at the German Historical Museum

Anniversary - The Venue at the German Historical Museum

Anniversary - German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel

Anniversary - German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel

Anniversary - Dr. Borek Severa and Silvana Koch-Mehrin MEP

Anniversary - Dr. Borek Severa and Silvana Koch-Mehrin MEP

Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Reunion - Peter-Andreas Bochmann, Former Project Director Southeast Europe, and Dolly Sandeva, Project Office Sofia

Reunion - Peter-Andreas Bochmann, Former Project Director Southeast Europe, and Dolly Sandeva, Project Office Sofia

Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Anniversary - In the Front Row

Anniversary - In the Front Row

Anniversary - Dr. René Klaff and Karen Aghajanyan, Project Coordinator Armenia

Anniversary - Dr. René Klaff and Karen Aghajanyan, Project Coordinator Armenia

Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Anniversary - Discussion with International Partners of the Foundation

Anniversary - Discussion with International Partners of the Foundation

Anniversary - Dr. Ludwig Theodor Heuss, Vice chairman of the Board of Trustees, Gives the Closing Speech

Anniversary - Dr. Ludwig Theodor Heuss, Vice chairman of the Board of Trustees, Gives the Closing Speech

Anniversary - Dr. Heike Dörrenbächer and Miriam Kosmehl, Former and Current Project Director Ukraine and Belarus

Anniversary - Dr. Heike Dörrenbächer and Miriam Kosmehl, Former and Current Project Director Ukraine and Belarus

Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Celebrating 50 Years of International Policy
Anniversary - Dr. Ludwig Theodor Heuss and His Son Together With Zhenya Yovcheva, FNF Regional Office Sofia and Nana Tkemaladse, FNF Office Tbilisi

Anniversary - Dr. Ludwig Theodor Heuss and His Son Together With Zhenya Yovcheva, FNF Regional Office Sofia and Nana Tkemaladse, FNF Office Tbilisi