FreedomTeam Interview: Iago Tsitaishvili in Focus

Iago Tsitaishvili in Focus

Meet the newest member of the Freedom Team in the Project Office for South Caucasus. Mr Iago Tsitaishvili is the new Communications Officer, based in Georgia. He has joined the Freedom team in July. 

1. Please share a few words about yourself? 

My name is Iago Tsitaishvili, I am 25 years old. I am a graduate of Tbilisi State University with a Bachelor’s degree in International Law. Currently, I am a Master’s student at the Caucasus School of Law. Besides the legal field, I am also interested in technology and because of that I am very tech savvy. I believe that more multi-skilled person is, the more difficulties he/she can overcome; for that reason I always try to improve my skills in different fields. I have a passion for languages and in the long term I wish to learn at least 5 foreign languages. 

2. What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF? 

I joined FNF South Caucasus office in July 2015 as a Communications Officer. My experience so far has been nothing but positive. My colleagues are some of the finest people I have ever met, they are very dedicated and loyal to the work we do. The work we do here is meaningful, because our actions are making a difference and I like to be part of it.

3. What is most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF? 

The most challenging thing about my new position is adapting communication strategies to individuals and the public. Because each person is different, they require a different approach, but when you communicate with the public, you have to consider lot of criteria. The key to good communication is to deliver your message to your audience so that its meaning is understood. In addition, a lack of education can complicate greatly your task of delivering the message. 


Iago Tsitaishvili

4. Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and pursuit of Freedom? 

With my qualifications I can help the Foundation to better connect with our partners and coordinate joint activities. Also, I plan to use different communication strategies with different individuals so that the people will understand the message behind the idea of freedom and help them to see the opportunities it provides. 

5. Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you? 

Like Nelson Mandela said: "A man who takes away another man's freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else's freedom, just as surely as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me. The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity." I believe that if you remove freedom from an individual you will make him/her too limited and too small. Freedom is opportunity to take responsibility for your actions and strive for better future. 

6. What does the “F” of FNF mean to you? 

The "F" stands for Freedom and when I think about it three words come in my mind: feelings, fantasy, and fellowship.

7. What is your Freedom message? 

Value the Freedom of others as much as you value yours and show solidarity to those in need.

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here: 

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