FreedomTeam Interview: Silviya Stoeva In Focus

Silviya Stoeva In Focus

Meet Mrs. Silviya Stoeva, who was a member of the Freedom Team as an Assistant in both the Regional Office of East and Southeast Europe and the Project Office for Southeast Europe. She was part of the Freedom Team till July. We wish her the best of luck in her future career path. 

1. Please share a few words about yourself? 

My name is Silviya Stoeva. After working for a year and a half in FNF, I have taken the decision to develop my professional career in a different direction. I hold a M.A. degree in Media and Communication Studies from a European programme between the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the Europe University Viadrina in Frankfurt/ Oder and the Nice University Sophia Antipolis. My fields of interests and expertise are intercultural communication and multilingualism, human rights and international politics. 

2. How long and in what position have you worked for FNF? 

I have been a part of the FNF Team Sofia for more than a year and a half – I started in early 2014 as the Assistant to the Regional Director of FNF East and Southeast Europe. Later on, I took over also the responsibilities of the Project Assistant for the Project Office Southeast Europe. 

3. What are the most valuable insights that you will take from your FNF career? 

The most valuable experience I take with me is the privilege to work with the great team of colleagues in Sofia, Germany and abroad. 

4. What is your biggest achievement in FNF, which you are most proud of and/or most happy with? 

One of the projects I worked with great pleasure and enthusiasm is a two-day media seminar that we organised for partners of the Foundation in Bulgaria. It was devoted to topics like how to build a media image, how to construct a communication strategy and how to act in front of the camera. I had the pleasure to work with established experts from Bulgaria and abroad on this concept's development, organisation and “on-field” work. 

Silviya Stoeva In Focus

5. Why is promotion of Freedom important to you? 

Because to deprive someone of his/her freedom is the worst thing one can do to the other. 

6. What is your Freedom message? 

Freedom is a state of the mind and the spirit. Keep them awake.

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here: 

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