FreedomTeam Interview: Stefka Miteva in Focus

Meet the new member of the Freedom Team in the Regional Office of East and Southeast Europe.
Stefka Miteva in Focus

Meet the newest member of the Freedom Team in the Regional Office of East and Southeast Europe, who has just joined us in late July. Mrs. Stefka Miteva is an Assistant to the Regional Director for East and Southeast Europe Dr. Rainer Adam, at the FNF Regional Bureau Sofia.

1. Please share a few words about yourself? 

Fresh out of university, I am currently making my first steps in the professional world. I first studied politics and economics here in Bulgaria. Through the course of my studies, I decided that in order to become a good professional in the world of politics, I need to see Europe from a different perspective. So I moved to Hamburg, Germany for my Master’s degree in European Studies. 

Before joining FNF I have worked in different fields, ranging from aviation to educational services. But perhaps the most valuable experience for me was participating as a Team Assistant at the project for fostering the bilateral economic relationships between German companies and entrepreneurs from developing countries (in my case from Tunisia and Azerbaijan), commissioned by GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). Despite its purely economic nature, through the course of the project I was also able to compare and contrast the political situation in those countries to that of the EU through the eyes of the ordinary citizens. My conclusion – freedom of speech and religion should not be taken for granted, especially when there are places where these values are still not fully present, like in Tunisia, despite the revolution.

2. What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF? 

My first day as an Assistant to the Regional Director for East and Southeast Europe, Dr Rainer Adam, at the FNF Regional Bureau Sofia was on 20.07.2015 and it felt like a “jump in a cold lake”. Due to time constraints on my part, I only had a very limited time to meet with my predecessor. So naturally I did not know the details about my future tasks and responsibilities and what was ahead of me, I was not even sure how to use the office facilities. Fortunately, the people in the FNF team in Sofia were and still are very understanding and helpful and made my “jump” not as cold as I originally expected. My positive first impressions about the people from the Foundation were further strengthened when I got acquainted with the qualities and results of the numerous discussions and events which are being organized and held for the promotion of liberal values and ideas.

Stefka Miteva

3. What is most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF? 

As the personal Assistant to the Regional Director for East and Southeast Europe I see myself as the connection point between the Regional office and the different Project coordinators, as well between our Region as a whole and other departments of the Foundation. Furthermore, I enjoy the fact that the nature of my position allows me to be involved or at least be informed about everything that is taking place in our Region. This position challenges my organizational and communication skills, while at the same time it develops my political knowledge and analytical skills.

4. Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and pursuit of Freedom? 

Academically, I am well acquainted with the problems regarding the lack of freedom in some places in the world. Historically, I was born in the exact year that Bulgaria started its transition, so I can say that I have observed it in person. Professionally, I have gained experience as an assistant in Germany in different fields. Personally, I see myself, as I young, motivated person, willing to work for the betterment of her country and her region. Combining all this, I think I will make a good contribution to the FNF team in their pursuit of Freedom.

5. Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you? 
Because without Freedom there is no Humanism. And without Humanism there will be no Humans. 

Stefka Miteva

6. What does the “F” of FNF mean to you? 

Fundamental and Fixed, as Freedom should be. 

7. What is your Freedom message? 

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” 
― Abraham Lincoln, Complete Works - Volume XII

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here: 

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