Liberal Counterstrategies towards Anti-Semitism in Europe

Promoting Tolerance 2015 International Seminar, Belgrade, Serbia
All Participants, Promoting Tolerance Program 2015

All Participants, Promoting Tolerance Program 2015

Young professionals engaged in politics, business, culture and civil society from Central, South and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia were brought together again this year for the seminar “Promoting Tolerance”. This flagship programme has been organized since 1992 by the Regional Office for East and Southeast Europe of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) in cooperation with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in order to strengthen democracy, pluralism and minority rights in the region. 

Dr. Rainer Adam, Regional Director of FNF East and Southeast Europe

Dr. Rainer Adam, Regional Director of FNF East and Southeast Europe

After an introductory online phase devoted to minority issues, the fundamental principles of international understanding and of civil and human rights, the participants met in June for a two-day seminar in Belgrade, Serbia.

The focal theme of the programme this year is anti-Semitism. This theme is high on the liberal agenda now considering the latest developments in Europe. The tendency of increasing anti-Semitism and its close relationship with extreme nationalism is undoubtedly a major challenge for liberal democracies and for the principle of the freedom of people, and therefore requires a strong liberal response.

Rabbi Andrew Baker, Director of International Relations of the AJC

Rabbi Andrew Baker, Director of International Relations of the AJC

The goal of the subsequent debates was to discuss in detail possible ways of combating anti-Semitism. Among the discussion highlights were the contradictory nature of the anti-Jewish attitudes and the liberal values, various counterstrategies, concrete reasoning and the basic elements of liberal arguments. It is the hope of the programme that the participants will bring home and apply these key insights in the decision-making processes of their liberal organizations upon their return from the Belgrade meeting. 

Stefan Melnik, the moderator, and Dr. Rainer Adam, FNF ESEE Regional Director

Stefan Melnik, the moderator, and Dr. Rainer Adam, FNF ESEE Regional Director

The third phase of this year's “Promoting Tolerance” programme will be a ten-day study trip in the United States in October. The participants will visit, at the invitation of the AJC, several US cities to discuss with representatives of political, religious and civil society organizations the American experience of pluralism and the integration of minorities. 

Participants in Working Groups

Participants in Working Groups

A series of video statements, called "Voices of Tolerance", with AJC representatives, current fellows and alumni of the "Promoting Tolerance" programme can be found in our YouTube Channel FreedomTV Europe

For more information about the programme: here

For more photos, please visit our Facebook album. 

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