Naumann-Lecture in St Petersburg

Gerhart Baum and the Freedom Week

Gerhart Baum gave a talk on the topic “Violence in the modern world: a test of the strength of human and civil rights” in St Petersburg. It was conducted as a part of Freedom Week at a venue with the symbolic name - “Freedom Palace”. 

This event resumed the “Naumann-Lectures” programme, where the notable German liberal activist shares his opinion on the complex and ambiguous processes and events in Russia. This lecture raised the issue to what extent a threat to the national security is serious, and if the government really needs to interfere with human rights and freedoms. 

Do we need the polemical notes on fundamental rights, freedom, privacy, individual rights and self-determination today? This question became a key issue of the lecture and the book written by Gerhart Baum in 2009. This year his book “Save civil rights: freedom and safety” was published in Russian (translated by Marina Golubovskaya). 

Ella Paneyakh (Higher School of Economics), Elena Panfilova (Transparency International), Victor Voronkov (The Centre for Independent Social Research) and Alexander Vereshchagin (The Institute of Precedent) shared their opinions on the topic during the panel discussion. 

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The events were part of the international global initiative, »Freedom Week 2015«. In FNF ESEE there were more than 15 events in 8 cities in 6 offices of the Foundation, promoting FNF contributions to Freedom.