Promoting Tolerance 2013 - Study Trip to the U.S.

Picture Story by Anna Poghosyan (Armenia), Rasul Jafarov (Azerbaijan), and Amiran Makaradze (Georgia). Pictures courtesy of the participants.
Promoting Tolerance 2013 - All in all Cover
Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. - Our first stop was at the office of the American Jewish Committee. We met with the AJC representatives and other officials.

At AJC's Office

At AJC's Office - We got to know more about AJC’s work on Latino-Jewish relations and Immigration Reform Advocacy. We talked about strategic cooperation among Jewish and Latino communities and its importance for advocacy and human rights protection.

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum - The next very important and interesting stop was our visit to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, where we discussed the Holocaust education and awareness in America.

Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story

Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story - A special exhibition tells the story of one family’s experiences during the Holocaust from the perspective of a boy growing up in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945.

Reception at FNF Washington

Reception at FNF Washington - The FNF North America Office (Transatlantic Dialogue Programme) hosted a special reception for our group. Once again, the event provided a platform for a mutual exchange of views and ideas with friends and partners of AJC and FNF.

Reception at FNF Washington

Reception at FNF Washington - Dr Borek Severa, Project Director Central Europe and Baltic States, gives a speech at the reception.

City Trip to Dallas

City Trip to Dallas - After vising New York City, our group was divided into three smaller groups which traveled to Dallas, Miami and St. Louis. On 17th of November all participants met back in Los Angeles and discussed in the evening what they have learnt during the short city trips. Each of the groups had very positive and constructive feedback.


Trip to Miami - Impressions from the Miami Holocaust Memorial


- Impressions from the Miami Holocaust Memorial

Miami Holocaust Memorial

- Impressions from the Miami Holocaust Memorial

Los Angeles

Los Angeles - The last stage of our trip brought us to California. One of the highlights in Los Angeles was the visit to the so called “Homeboy Industries” - a unique social entrepreneurship project, established in order to give a chance to former gang members to earn a living through honest work and live peacefully.

Homeboy Industries

Homeboy Industries

L.A. City Council

- Afterwards we visited the L.A. City Council, where its member, Mr. Krikoryan, gave us a presentation on the way the City Council works, its functions, rights and duties.


Hollywood - Alongside the official part of the program, we also paid a visit to Hollywood and the Walk of Fame in order to better feel and understand Los Angeles and California in general.

LGBT center

- Other important aspects of our trip to L.A. were the visit to the largest LGBT center in the States and the meeting at the AJC local branch, where we had an interesting discussion on the ways to integration and the challenges faced by the various communities in the city.

Promoting Tolerance 2013 - All in all

Promoting Tolerance 2013 - All in all, we would like to underline that the study trip to the United States was an invaluable professional, cultural and personal experience, which gave us profound information about many aspects of American life. We've gained knowledge about the protection of human rights, promoting tolerance, alliance building and advocacy, and have learnt how to meet the challenges on the way. The trip was not only informative and educational, but also a very enjoyable experience thanks to the local partners and colleagues. We would like to express our gratitude to the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the American Jewish Committee one more time for this wonderful opportunity.