Economic Development & Growth : Economic Development & Growth
Only through a business-friendly environment, rule of law and flourishing international trade economic development and growth can pick up! Our work in Pakistan spans GSP+ , trade volumes, and good governance issues.
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad
Pakistan: Normalising trade with India
For decades, it has been evident that major political parties on both sides (Pakistan and India) have advocated for normalizing trade relations, but some important stakeholders had reservations. However, the National Security Policy (NSP) announced in 2021 indicated that Pakistan is prepared to move on and prioritize geo-economics over geopolitics. Read the analysis by Dr. Manzoor on how Pakistan can leverage this opportunity. (Originally published Dawn 22.04.2024)
Dr. Hafiz Pasha
Pakistan’s Challenges to Political Stability and Economic Revival
"Hopefully, the time has come when in the larger self-interest or in the face of a social meltdown a consensus will be reached at the highest level on a progressive agenda of tax reforms for implementation on a top priority basis." Dr. Hafeez A Pasha a Pakistani economist and former politician who has served as the Federal Minister for Finance unpacks how we can revive the economy and tackle the current challenges Pakistan is facing.
Rebea Firdous
Increasing Pakistan’s Exports
FNF Pakistan recently co-organized with the Foreign Services Academy, Islamabad a bespoke training on “International Trade Policy & Digital Economy” for the young and mid-career diplomats with Dr. Adil Nakhoda and Shehryar Hydri.
Tanvir Shahzad
Pak-German Trade Relations
The Trade volume between Germany and Pakistan of about 3 billion per year (before the Pandemic) is the biggest within the EU. The interesting fact is – it’s very rarely the case with Germany- that Pakistan even has a trade surplus. Tanvir Shahzad shares ideas, on how the trade volume can be increased between Germany and Pakistan. #DostiKay70Saal #PakGermanDosti