Stipendien für deutsche Studierende

You are in the right place if you have German citizenship (or are otherwise eligible according to Section 8 BAFöG) and study full-time at a state or state-recognized university in Germany, in the EU or in Switzerland or will begin your studies in the next semester. We support all subjects.

Regardless of the scholarship, all scholarship holders receive a monthly lump sum for study costs of 300.00 euros. In addition, scholarships are calculated in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research based on the Federal Education Promotion Act (BAFöG). In contrast to BAföG, the scholarships do not have to be repaid.

We also grant subsidies for studying abroad for a maximum of 12 months.

Funding is initially granted for one year. Then you can apply for extensions every year until you graduate.

The minimum funding period is two semesters at the time the scholarship begins. The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study according to BaföG and ends with the last examination.
The scholarships are awarded with funds of and in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (link in German).


High school graduates and students

You can apply if

  • You will soon have your (technical) high school diploma and then want to study,
  • You already have your (technical) high school diploma and want to study,
  • You have completed your (technical) high school diploma as well as vocational training and now want to study,
  • You have already started studying,
  • You are already in the master's programme (but note here that the minimum funding period is 2 semesters at time the scholarship begins).


Required application documents for high school graduates and students

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