Economic recovery through tourism in North Korea?

Economic recovery through tourism in North Korea?

A seminar for government representatives from the North Korean tourism sector was organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Pyongyang. How can the tourism sector contribute to tackling an economic crisis? Manfred Richter, the foundation's treasurer, had to deal with a crisis in the shipbuilding industry during his term as Lord Mayor of Bremerhaven (1995 - 1999). After a period of intensive civil participation the Harbor Worlds were build around disused inner-city docks, which developed into a magnet for tourists.

Representatives of North Korea's international travel agency, state tourism authority, academy for tourism, and ministry for foreign trade as well as architects and construction planners were eager to learn more about this. Directly after the removal of travel restrictions, which had been imposed in late October 2014 due to fear of Ebola, Manfred Richter traveled to Pyongyang in March 2015. In his lecture, attended by more than 50 participants, he illustrated the decision-making power of local authorities in Germany and the impact of the private sector on tourism. The North Korean experts asked numerous questions concerning infrastructure measures, environmental protection, and administrative difficulties.

The following day the delegation of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation visited the harbor and the beach of Wonsan, a city located at the Sea of Japan. There are plans to develop a coherent tourism area including Wonsan, nearby Masikryong ski resort, and the Diamond Mountains at the inner-Korean border. On their way to the east coast the guests from Germany had the opportunity to see the extent of deforestation in North Korea. A campaign to overcome this environmental problem is currently at full stretch and trees are being planted nationwide. However, the reforestation of the country will certainly take several years.

Economic recovery through tourism in North Korea?